This app was incredibly useful for the occasional times I was stuck eating at a terrible chain or had to pick up fast food and needed to know what I could eat that was vegan. The latest update has reduced the functionality of this app dramatically. If you want to quickly scroll down to a specific restaurant that is further down in the alphabet youll have to flick your finger incessantly instead of merely clicking to the right side of the list onto a specific letter. Additionally, Ive had a couple of experiences trying to check whats available at a restaurant and no data will load. When in a pinch and needed to know what I can order, it can be quite frustrating to not be able to load the restaurant data.
Otherwise this is a great and useful app for the people eating vegan out there in the world and the work done by its developer is greatly appreciated.
drewdbro about VeganXpress - Menu & Shopping Assistance, v2.0